The discussion of most dangerous sharks isn’t only to know about these sharks but it helps in many ways that which sharks could be more deadly and we have to make safe distance from them when swimming in the water abundant with these types of dangerous animals.
Some of sharks are friendly natured and didn’t harm any human until feel insecure and danger from people but some of were enough dangerous that can kill the person in a single attack considered to be more dangerous sea animals in world.

There are number of researches have been done by different televisions and individuals to know the behavior of sharks in different situation and mostly resulted that these can be more dangerous when feel unsafe towards.
Here we have listed top ten most dangerous sharks all around the world which are given below for you.
10: Hammerhead Shark
Hammerhead Shark belong to family Sphyrnidae who have been named because of unusual structure of heads having hammer like shape, can be found in islands of Colombia, Costa Rica and Hawaii. Few of great the scalloped hammerhead sharks have been listed on the World Conservation Union Red List as endangered for which they became the part of most dangerous sharks in world. Most of Hammerhead Sharks are considered to be respected and human protected sharks of the oceans instead of few above including scalloped, great, and smooth hammerheads.
9: Shortfin Mako Shark
The Shortfin mako shark or Blue pointer is large mackerel shark which is the fastest shark species in the world as well as some of its species are most popular all around the world. Shortfin Mako Shark fishing is predominate activity around the world because they offer acrobatic flips, fast runs, and heavy fights that entertain anglers. These are also added in the list of most dangerous sharks in the world because it may attack the people or divers when they had issues with them while showing angry behaviors they attack with open mouths which can kill the humans if grabbed.
8: Oceanic Whitetip Shark
The large pelagic requiem shark Oceanic Whitetip is most known for its long, white-tipped, rounded fins which inhabited in tropical and warm temperate seas. It is considered to be deadliest for the shipwreck or air crash survivors and made aggressive attack towards them enrolled in top most dangerous sharks in the world. Oceanic White Tip Sharks appear predatory in nature and most of researched didn’t think that they had positive relationship with human because they often attack the humans whenever have an open chance to harm the people.
7: Blue Shark
Blue Shark is a species of requiem shark in the family Carcharhinidae which mostly inhabits in tropical and warm water through deep oceans and able to migrate long distances. These type of sharks aren’t enough dangerous to human but their biting could ended up with deaths for which they stand among the dangerous sharks in the world. It has often described to game fish for their beauty and speed because these can perform very well and known for large litters of 25 to over 100 pups.
6: Blacktip Shark
Blacktip Shark is one of most dangerous sharks around the world described as Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Belonged to family Carcharhinidae Blacktip Shark could be founded in coastal tropical and subtropical waters across the global, known for attacking schools of small fish. Normally, Blacktip Shark are unsafe for human while and show more aggressive and violent behavior in presence of food which can be analyzed by seeing several past attacks of Blacktip Shark on people.
5: Requiem Shark
The migratory and live-bearing sharks of warm seas Requiem Shark belonged to Carcharhinidae family which is considered to most dangerous sharks in the world following their numerous deadly attacks on the human. Requiem Shark can be grouped into 12 genera having up to sixty species in which most of them are known for their destructive and violent behavior towards men adding them among dangerous and deadliest sea animals around the world which are highly unsafe and risky for human.
4: Sand Tiger Shark
Sand Tiger Shark is a species of shark that inhabits tropical and warm water can be founded in waters of Japan, Australia, South Africa, the Mediterranean and east coasts of North and South America. Despite of no confirm human fatalities Sand Tiger Shark stand among the most dangerous sharks in world while it is categorized as vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. Sand Tiger Shark is considered to be vicious or deadly because of its large size and sharp teeth but their mouths are not large to kill the human with single attack.
3: Great White Shark
The species of large lamniform shark Great White Shark inhabits in the coastal surface waters of almost all major seas around the world, known for its size, length and weight. It is largest known extant macro predatory fish and one of primary predators of marine mammals across the world while ranked first for attacking humans. The IUCN listed Great White Shark as a vulnerable species while it has responsible for the largest reported and identified fatal of humans making it one of most dangerous sharks in the world.
2: Tiger Shark
A species of f requiem shark and member of genus Galeocerdo Tiger Shark lives mostly in many tropical and temperate waters, common around central Pacific islands. Tiger Shark has the widest food spectrum of all sharks for consuming a variety of prey including seals, fish, squid, birds, turtles, and sea snakes to dolphins and other small sharks. The tiger shark is considered a near threatened species due to fishing by humans while ranked among the most dangerous sharks all around the world because of having large percentage of fatal bites to humans.
1: Bull Shark
Bull shark is another requiem shark which can be found worldwide in warm water or even in rivers, known for its aggressive nature and predilection. These have been described as more dangerous to human as compared to any other species of water having no tolerance for provocation while it is among three sharks biting humans including the tiger shark and great white shark. One of most dangerous shark across the globe Bull Shark is an aggressive and territorial animal with high testosterone levels.